The Society of Friends has submitted an application to the Vale of White Horse District Council for a Premises Licence. This was accepted as valid on 5th April and information posted on the Vale website.
On this page information is provided that may not be available on the District Council website. It will be kept as up to date as possible.
The application (below) is in several parts and asks for:
- A licence to supply alcohol for consumption (inside and outside) on and off the premises:
- For guests and residents at any time;
- For the public up to 23.00 hours;
- For those attending events (limited to 20 per annum) from mid-day to 00.30 hours:
- A licence to play amplified recorded music indoors at events from 23.00 – 01.00 hours;
- A licence to play amplified live music indoors at events from 23.00 – 00.30 hours.
Residents wishing to make comment must send them to the District Council by 2nd April. Its website does not allow for on-line comment at present and if this persists submit comments by email to or by writing to the District Council Offices. You must say whether or not you are objecting and which of the four licensing objectives you are addressing. For example: if concerned at potential noise and disturbance you should refer to “Prevention of Public Nuisance”; or if it’s about traffic “Public Safety”. Please consider copying your comment to the Parish Council (details below).
*************Update – 4th May 2021************
The application, to which there were 33 objections (including from the Parish Council) was heard by the District Licensing Sub-Committee on 4th May who decided to grant the Licence on the terms applied for with an added conditional requirement that liaison take place with the District Environmental Health Officer prior to each event to minimise noise.
*************Update – 28th July 2021************
Following liaison with the Vale Licensing Team an update on what may have been approved is included in the Parish Council documents below.
*************Update – 30th November 2021************
An appeal against the Licensing Authority’s decision to grant a Premises Licence has been lodged by a local resident and is due its second hearing on 3rd December.
***********Update – 22 January 2022************
The appeal hearing on 3rd December 2021 was adjourned and will reconvene on 28th February when a decision seems likely.
***********Update – 3rd August 2022***********
The appeal against the Vale of White Horse District Council decision was finally heard in full by the Magistrates Court on 28th February 2022. The appeal was allowed and new conditions imposed to regulate noise from late evening entertainment. The Judge’s decision and an amended Premises Licence (issued by the Vale Council to take account of that decision) can be viewed here under Premises Licence Decision (below).
The amended Premises Licence now also has to be read alongside a planning permission that has subsequently been granted for the marquee to remain on site for a period of three years. The permission (reference P22/V1879/FUL) contains a number of relevant conditions and can be found here.
Public Notice outside Manor (6th March)
Open letter to residents by Lead Trustee
Open letter to residents by Agent
Policy and Guidance
Government guidance on how to make representations
Vale of White Horse Premises Licence Policy
Residents Meeting (24th March)
Parish Council Chairman Opening Statement
Statement by Stewart Jeffrey and Catherine Hilliard (Trustees and Co-Clerks of Charney Manor)
Meeting Note (contains information on application process)
Residents’ Comments
Table of comments submitted to the District Council (to 26th March 2021)
Parish Council Comment
Bulletin to Village (1) – 11th March 2021
Bulletin to Village (2) – 17th March 2021
Bulletin to Village (3) – 26th March 2021
Parish Council FULL Submission to Vale Licensing Team
Extract from draft minutes of meeting on 5th May 2021
Position Statement 28th July 2021
District Council Documents
Licensing Officer report to meeting of 4th May
Premises Licence Decision
Premises Licence Decision Document
Amended Premises Licence Document
Trevor Brown, (Clerk) Charney Bassett Parish Council
01235 868282