The Charney Hall and Field Trust (CHAFT) is a registered Charity (No. 294765).
The Trust was originally constituted as a Village Hall Committee by the Charity Commissioners in June 1988 and subsequently extended to include Charney Field in August 2002. These two Schemes comprise the governing document of the Trust. The Parish Council of Charney Bassett holds the title of the Village Hall and Charney Field as the Custodian Trustee.The objective of the charity is, in the interests of social welfare, to improve the conditions of life of the inhabitants of the area of benefit without distinction of political, religious or other opinions by the provision and maintenance of a
(a) Village hall for use by the inhabitants, including use for meetings, lectures and classes, and other forms of recreation and leisure time occupation.
(b) Playing field for use by the inhabitants of the village.
The governing document can be read online
The Village Hall is situated in Chapel Lane, off Main Street. There is no parking in Chapel Lane itself but cars can be parked on Main Street.
The Playing Field is situated at the top of the Bridle Path, off Main Street and can be accessed via walkways from the Bridle Path, New Road and Buckland Road. There is a football pitch and an enclosed children’s play area.
Information on the history and development of the Hall and Field can be accessed on the Charney Bassett History Site
General enquiries should be emailed to the Secretary at