Dear Residents of Charney Bassett
For the past few months your Parish Council has been seeking to appoint a new Clerk as a replacement for Stephen Cowlam, the present incumbent, who has decided to resign from the post after moving away from the village to pastures new.
Stephen has completed over 7 years service in his capacity as Parish Clerk, and we are indebted to him for his total commitment and loyalty to the community during this period. I know I speak on behalf of all the committees on which he has served.
And so we need a replacement for him in this important role. Would you like to be considered for the position, working alongside other like minded people who sit on the Parish Council? A full job description can be submitted for your assessment.
The Parish Council has to fill this position by May 2017. Please give this careful consideration. It is our intention to appoint someone who will maintain the high standards set by previous committee members.
For further explanation of this position, please feel free to approach any member of the Parish Council. I’m certain they will give you an accurate and unbiased opinion!
I would like to receive names in advance of our next Parish Council meeting scheduled for the 8th March. If you are interested, please email
I look forward to a positive response, and thank you in anticipation.
David Roberts
Charney Bassett Parish Council Chairman