Residents are reminded to continue taking steps to keep themselves, and others safe as non-essential shops and services start reopen for the first time since March.
Per government guidance, any resident using public transport, or in an enclosed public space where social distancing isn’t possible, must wear a non-surgical face covering to help reduce the risk of coronavirus transmission.
Face coverings not face masks
A face covering isn’t the same as medical-grade PPE face masks. These will continue to be reserved for those working in a high-risk environment, such as health and social care.
Cloth face coverings may help us all to reduce the risk of spreading the virus if we have it, but no symptoms.
Keep your distance
It’s important to remember however that face coverings do not replace existing social distancing guidance. You should continue to maintain social distancing from those not in your household, and isolate if you, or somebody else you live with, show symptoms.
Oxfordshire County Council’s Director for Public Health Ansaf Azhar reiterated the importance of staying alert.
He said: “as we are now into the warm summer months, it’s great that we have been able to ease some aspects of lockdown. However, it’s vital we do not become complacent about the risk, and continue to abide by government guidance if we are to keep infection rates down.”
For more information:
- The government has published useful advice on how to make a face covering at home.