New Play Equipment Given The Go Ahead

At a meeting earlier this week, the Trustees of the Charney Hall and Field Trust (CHAFT) heard that the Vale of White Horse District Council (VWHDC) had approved a grant of £9000 towards the cost of installing new equipment in the children’s play area.
Less good news was that the preferred supplier had increased the total costs of the project from £23994 to £25233.90, a non-negotiable increase of £1239.90 on the original estimate.
However, greater than anticipated income from donations and recent fundraising events enabled the Trustees to give the go ahead to the full scheme as planned.
A contract will be signed within the next few days and completion is expected by the end of October.
An official opening event will be organised.
During the next few weeks the fencing surrounding the play area will be repaired and new bark chips will be ordered for the area near the existing swings.
One other labour intensive job that is planned is the repainting of the fence surrounding the children’s play area.
Last time it took 48 person hours to complete this task. Volunteers are needed to attend painting sessions which will be held over the bank holiday period.
Weather permitting these sessions will be held on Saturday, Sunday and Monday (27th, 28th and 29th August). Further details to follow.
Thanks go to all those involved in helping CHAFT deliver this project, especially to Vale of White Horse District Council for their generous financial support.

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