Ed Vaizey’s Parish News January 2017

Welcome to 2017!

As this is my first Parish News of the New Year, may I wish you Happy new Year and hope that you had a wonderful Christmas and got to spend time with your families and loved ones.

2017 has arrived with quite a full in-tray for me as your local MP. Issues such as the congestion on the A34, the continued campaign to re-open Grove station, my campaign to secure better fertility treatment for people in Oxfordshire, and the need to secure continued investment in science and technology post-Brexit will take centre stage. The early months of this year will see us take the formal step to begin leaving the European Union, an issue that will dominate the agenda in the House of Commons.

One of the issues I am most contacted about is local health services, and I share many of the concerns my constituents have raised about the ongoing review, known as the Sustainability and Transformation Plan. I am very unhappy with how the process is being undertaken, and the constant delays to publishing anything meaningful is having a severe impact on local services. Prior to Christmas two GP practices failed in a bid to secure funding to expand their premises to cater from growing populations.

This situation is becoming very urgent, and I will be meeting local NHS chiefs early in the New Year to try and get from them a clear timeline for the STP, so that we can all have a say in how our health services are developed. I am also seeking meetings with health ministers to discuss the failed capital bids for GP surgeries so I can understand why they were turned down so we can have greater success in the future.

In January I will be also co-hosting a debate in Parliament on the provision of IVF treatment. This is an area that I have campaigned on for some time, and I am frequently contacted by constituents who are having difficulty funding fertility treatment. I fear that this area is seen as a treatment that local health services can easily cut and reduce. I will be making Ministers aware of my concerns, and hope they take some action to further protect this important service.

January also saw my first public meeting on Brexit, held at the Beacon in Wantage at 18:30 on Friday 20th January. I will be holding a second meeting from 19:00 on Friday 3rd February at Didcot Civic Hall. I am looking forward to meeting many of you at these events and hearing your views on Brexit.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any pressing issues that you would like help with.  Either myself or one of my team will get back to you as soon as possible and do what we can to assist. You can contact me on any matter at the House of Commons, SW1A 0AA, dicksonce@parliament.uk or 01235 768 888. Email is the quickest and most reliable way to get in touch, as I keep a very close eye on my emails and can reply very quickly.   Details of my activities in Parliament can be read on my website, https://www.vaizey.com. I also send out occasional general interest emails about developments in the Wantage and Didcot Constituency. If you would like to be added to the distribution list, please complete the online form at https://bit.ly/EdVaizeyMP.


Jon Wilson

Parliamentary Assistant to Rt Hon Ed Vaizey MP

Member of Parliament for Wantage and Didcot

Tel: 0207 219 6350 W: www.vaizey.com

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