Ed Vaizey Parish News September 2016

Parliament has returned from the summer recess, and an interesting Parliamentary term lies ahead.  The Government will begin to produce its proposals on what Brexit will mean and what form our future relationship with the EU will take. As you know, I campaigned for remain during the referendum campaign, and I will be watching developments carefully to ensure that jobs and the economy in our constituency and the country as a whole are protected.

Being a backbench MP now gives me more freedom to raise constituency issues in Parliament.  As a Minister, I could not ask parliamentary questions or participate in debates outside my own department.  I have hit the ground running since Parliaments return, and details of the questions I have asked and debates I have hosted can be read on my website.


The last few weeks have seen two tragic accidents along the A34, and this has led to renewed calls to make improvements to the road. I have had a meeting to discuss this situation with local MPs Richard Benyon and Nicola Blackwood, and I am arranging a roundtable meeting with the Minister responsible for roads, having raised the issue in Parliament. I am looking forward to discussing what proposals the Government has to improve the safety of the A34.


I am always keeping an eye out for new services that my constituents might find useful.  There is now a new free three digit number that can be used to report or find out about power cuts. The service can be contacted on 105, and will put you straight through to your local electricity company who will be able to let you know some details about the power cut. This is definitely one to stick on the fridge!


I have also been made aware of a number of funding opportunities for local community groups and charities. First, the RBS Skills & Opportunities Fund is a £2.5million fund, with a maximum grant of £35,000. It is designed to help people get work or set up a business, or improve the financial skills of people from disadvantaged backgrounds. More information can be found at https://skillsandopportunitiesfund.rbs.com/. There is also the Aviva Community Fund, which awards funding of up to £25,000 for local community projects, applications can be made until the 11th October here https://www.aviva.co.uk/good-thinking/community-fund/.


Please feel free to contact me if you have any pressing issues that you would like help with.  Either myself or one of my team will get back to you as soon as possible and do what we can to assist. You can contact me on any matter at the House of Commons, SW1A 0AA, dicksonce@parliament.uk or 020 7219 6350. Email is the quickest and most reliable way to get in touch, as I keep a very close eye on my emails and can reply very quickly.   Details of my activities in Parliament can be read on my website, https://www.vaizey.com. I also send out occasional general interest emails about developments in the Wantage and Didcot Constituency. If you would like to be added to the distribution list, please complete the online form at https://bit.ly/EdVaizeyMP.

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