Last Tuesday 18th April the Prime Minister, Theresa May, announced that the public would be returning to the polls in a snap General Election to take place on the 8th June. I appreciate that we have gone to the polling station many times in the past year – the EU referendum, local council elections and now the upcoming General Election. However, I share the view of my colleagues that this is the right move at the right time to secure the strong and stable leadership the UK requires.
For those of you who haven’t already, in order to have your say and mark your ballot on the 8th June you must register to vote by 22nd May. It only takes a few minutes and can be done online at If you are unable to vote in person on the date, you can arrange a postal vote or a proxy – when you nominate somebody to vote on your behalf. Anyone who is registered to vote can apply for either of these voting methods and instructions can be found at:
Jack Lindsay
Parliamentary Assistant to The Rt Hon Ed Vaizey MP
Member of Parliament for Wantage and Didcot