On Saturday 13th June the Community Plan Steering Group hosted an open afternoon for the village to assess the ideas generated so far for the Plan. About 30 people participated in the session where the ideas were discussed, individuals volunteered to progress them and new ideas were generated.
Analysis of the data sheets completed showed that some 42 signatures for participation (obviously there are some keen people!) and 27 new ideas generated. These were mostly for social events so Charney Bassett is going to be a lively place!
For the next steps the top topics will be progressed through the action groups and incorporated into the plan with facilitation from the Steering Group if required. These are summarised in the table.
“Top Topics”
Group Topic Support Steering Group Contact
Social Events 9 Christine Trotman
Mobile Connectivity 1 Hugh Brookes
Development & Planning Issues 2 Ron Smith
Traffic & Parking 8 Neil Dobson
Allotments 1 Hugh Brookes
Clean Up Days 9 Hugh Brookes
Rights of Way 8 Neil Dobson
Hall Acoustics 1 Christine Trotman
Tennis Courts 6 Neil Dobson
These topics add to the already great work the various groups do to improve village life and new ideas are always welcome.