The neighbourhood Planning Group held an informal meeting in the village hall on Saturday 14th December 2.30 pm. The purpose was to communicate the process we, as a Community, have to follow in order to “take back control” on how our village will develop.
The meeting was attended by 42 residents, approximately 20% of the village population. This is a great start in raising the awareness of the process. We now need to pass the message to those that were not able to attend.
The next step will begin early in January.
We broke the process down into 5 steps.
1. Gaining support – timeline October to December 2013
The Neighbourhood Plan was initiated by the Charney Bassett parish council in October 2013. The Vale of White Horse District Council (VOWHDC) then consults on the PC boundary. This is due for completion end of December.
The next stage is to get the Village interested! This started with the meeting on 14th December.
2. Initial Research – timeline January to March 2014
This is the crucial stage where we identify the key issues for our Community. We hope to consult as many people as possible. It will be achieved with the use of e-mail, the Charney Bassett village website and hardcopy for those not on the internet. This will start early January and be completed by end of February 2014.
The NHP group will then develop the objectives identified by the questionnaire mentioned above.
3. Community Engagement – timeline April to June 2014
Questionnaire will be developed to identify the future housing needs for the village, there may be a secondary questionnaire on other things identified by the initial village consultation.
We are proposing to minimise the use of paper by completing as much work as possible on the internet using the Village website.
This will be a demanding time for your steering group so we will be utilising the services of the Oxfordshire Rural Community Council. The ORCC is a Community Development Organisation with over 90 years experience. They are certified quality standard BS EN ISO 9001:2008 organisation and holds an ACRE level 3 quality standard endorsed by both Defra and the Charity Commission.
4. Publish the Plan to the Village – timeline July to September 2014
This will start with the processing of the questionnaire responses. We will then use ORCC to help write our plan. We will almost certainly need to buy in other expertise to complete this to the required legal standard.
The plan will then be published for Community consultation. The final step will be to incorporate any alternations.
5. Publication – timeline October to January 2015
Submit the plan to VoWH DC – October 2014, then will then publish the plan for general awareness and input. We then have an Independent review to establish the plan has been developed in order to satisfy all the legal requirements.
6. FINISH Line!! – timeline February to March 2015
We have to have a village referendum to ensure our Community accepts the Neighbourhood Plan. Once complete the plan is adopted by the Vale Of White Horse District Council.