(Sorry this got missed last month – Webmaster)
The results of the draw held in the Village Hall during pilates on Thursday 16 March 2017 are as follows:-
First Prize £25 Number 49 Adrian Hodges
Second Prize £10 Number 56 Jane and Ron Smith
Thank you all for your support over the last twelve months. We collected a total of £1472 over the year and paid out £575 as prize money. CHAFT benefitted by the difference of £897 which helped to fund the refurbishment of the children’s play area. We hope to collect a similar amount this year for this village charity.
The collection of subscriptions for the year April 2017 to March 2018 is almost complete but there are still one or two people we have not yet managed to find at home.
Mahala and David
Charney 100 Club Organisers