CHAFT AGM Wednesday 5th June

Wednesday 5th June 2019, Village Hall 7.30 pm

The CHAFT AGM is an opportunity for all members of the Charney community to come and hear what the Managing Trustees have been doing over the last year to enhance and care for the Village Hall and Charney Field – two vital community assets managed by CHAFT on your behalf.

The Chair – Lucy Gildersleeves – and the Treasurer – Christine Trotman – will provide brief summaries of the activities and finances of the Trust. This is your chance to ask questions and tell us what you think, and to participate in the election of three Elected Village Trustees. If YOU are interested in becoming a Trustee and involved in the management of the hall and the field, please contact Peter Busby – the Secretary.

We will also be welcoming the five Representative Trustees appointed by village organisations.

There are two important changes to the format this year.

Firstly, we will present an update on the tree project and our re-planting plans, with, hopefully, a representative from our contractor to answer your questions. We would like the children in the village to be involved in the re-planting, so if they’re still awake, they would be most welcome.

Secondly, and most importantly, we will spend a moment to thank, and share a glass of wine, with the many volunteers who help to make Charney the special place it is today.

We hope that you will make the time to join us, and look forward to seeing you on Wednesday 5th June.

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